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The Sunshine Coast Centre will be offering re-loadable IGA MarketPlace cards at our next meeting. These may be re-loaded at any check out counter at all 40+ BC MarketPlace IGA stores. You can use any means of payment including your favourite credit card to collect points or miles. You can re-load between $10 and $500 each time and you can re-load the same card multiple times. You don’t have to be a member to claim one. Anyone can use these SCC Centre cards to make purchases. Give cards to grand parents, aunts, uncles and friends so they can start re-loading to help support our centre. Our Centre will automatically receive a 4% donation from MarketPlace IGA for every dollar re-loaded. No limitations-fundraise away!


Go Fund Me Campaign: Classroom/Warm Room on the Wish List

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This morning we launched a Go Fund Me campaign on line to raise money for a warm room/classroom for the observatory. This will allow us to control the telescope and view the skies in comfort in cold weather and create a space to teach classes or greet tour groups. We figure $3000 should do the trick. You can check it out on line at: